Harborough Autos, Car Servicing and MOTs

Harborough Autos invited us in to look at their very old and complicated website. We built them a new significantly simplified and modernised website and included a booking form. Including just the content that a visitor needs such as service details, prices, opening hours, testimonials and a maps, with an appealing graphic design that suits the subject matter.

Harborough Autos

Website Features

So you have impressed you’re website visitors and they want to get in touch. A simple, on page form provides the opportunity for them to do that right away.

Whether you have one location for your business, or many locations, you usually want yo make it easy for people to find you. For a multi location organisation a method of managing all of your Google Maps, Addresses and Contact Details can be built right into WordPress, making all of this as simple as can be.

Your website needs to create a level of trust in the content and your message. One of the best ways to do this is to include testimonials from other customers on your website. We tend to encourage our clients to court reviews from around the web, on Facebook, Google, Trust pilot etc. And will also build self-managed reviews, testimonials and a method of managing them right into their own website.

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